Sunday, April 10, 2022

Recent discussion on local leftist radio: "Those pro-lifers aren't arguing in good faith. 'Hypocrite' is no longer a word sufficient to describe the evils of those sex-trafficking kiddy-porn users."

 Well, to the extent that's true, I respect their outrage.  But even if their contention that most in the pro-life movement were vile criminals who just liked taking questions of life and death into their own hands--projection much?--and not a gross misrepresentation designed to help them fool themselves into moral complacency...'s still not an argument against abortion.

It's not even an argument at all.  Just emotionally-charged deflection.  A distraction.

Meanwhile, they keep feigning outrage at being called groomers while all the big names in their own movement keep doing that Jeff Epstein schtick.

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